Why having a personal attendant is so crucial ~ Minneapolis Wedding Photography

Why having a personal attendant is so crucial


Your big day is here!  There have been so many little factors, a lot of time, and energy that have gone into this day, and now is the time to enjoy it! A personal attendant can be your biggest lifesaver.  Here are a couple sample situations:

  1. The bridesmaid and bride are finishing getting ready and the venue doesn’t know where to put to cake and it just arrived. The Personal Attendant to the rescue; the bridal party can keep on time while she attends to the cake situation.
  2. The Groom or groomsmen don’t know how to put on their suspenders or need help with their ties!  The Personal Attendant to the rescue; if she doesn’t know how, I’m sure she can Youtube it!
  3. The Bride and Groom just had their first look, and there were many tears – because, of course, it was an emotional experience! The Personal Attendant to the rescue; she has tissues to help blot and also makeup to help touch up.
  4. The Bride and Groom are taking photos and the bride needs help walking with her dress. The Personal Attendant to the rescue; she helps carry the dress to help keep it clean.
  5. The Ceremony is about to start and Grandma isn’t sure where she is suppose to be. The Personal Attendant to the rescue; she helps to point Grandma (or maybe some other unsure guests, in the right direction)

I could go on and on with different situations that the personal attendant is crucial, but this post would be pages long! I also truly believe that a coordinator can help fill these roles too, but it is helpful to the Bride (and Photographer!) to have a personal attendant.  She often is a close friend or family member of the bride, and knows the family and bride well.  As a photographer, a personal attendant is very helpful with family formal photography as I don’t know all the guests and their roles to the bride.

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